Westword Features ONO Art Show

“Awareness will come with big perks at ‘Our Neighbors, Ourselves’ event, which includes an art exhibit, food and live music by Porlolo, Tom Hagerman and friends, and members of the Flobots.” See The Full Article

Meeting Eh Kaw | An ONO 2015 Artist

I met Eh Kaw a few months ago when she first came to the PWM office with a friend. She brought several paintings to show me, as she had heard we were having an art show. I was blown away at her level of technical skills, especially for her young age (20) and for only…

Meet Lomami, Chance, and Michaela

Just one of the hundreds of unique and beautiful families who are integral to our community, Lomami, Chance, and Michaela have been a part of Project Worthmore since their arrival from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2018.

Meet Auntie Kai Ra- Our Wonderful Babysitter!

Kai Ra begins each morning by giving praise to the things she is thankful for. One of the things she praises is the United States, the country that she has called home for the past ten years.

Letter from our Executive Director

Dear Project Worthmore Family, For over a decade, I have sent a year-end letter to a growing community. These letters have offered me time to reflect and, each year, my deep gratitude for all of you grows. Each year, we work to bring you a story of your impact, and this year we were honored to share the story…